Who killed Jabin? – ATA

Was king Jabin killed by Joshua (Joshua 11:1, 10-11) or was he killed 120 years after Joshua’s death (Judges 1:1; 3:11, 30; 4:2, 24)?

Bear with me for a moment while we look at a few details of the British monarchy.

King James was assassinated in 1437 at Perth. King James was also killed 23 years later (1460) by a canon explosion. 28 years after that (1488), king James was killed by a group of disaffected nobles, led by his own son. 25 years after that (1513), king James was killed at the battle of Flodden Field. 29 years later (1542), king James died of ill health after the battle of Solway Moss. 83 years after that (1625), king James died of a suspected stroke and kidney failure. 76 years later (1701), king James died of a stroke.

I suspect most readers got the point after the 2nd king James mentioned above. But, so we are absolutely clear, it is not uncommon for a name to be repeated several times in the history of a people. No one looks at the above information and calls it a contradiction. It is understood that none of these are the same man, though they all had the same name and all served as monarchs in Great Britain.

If this can be the case for the British royals, why can it not also be the case for Jabin, king of Hazor who was killed in Joshua’s day, and Jabin, king of Hazor who was killed some 120 years later?

Will the questioner be consistent and likewise challenge the record of British monarchs (we’ve only looked at James, there are many other names that repeat!!), or will he be reasonable and confess that there is no contradiction in these texts?

There is no contradiction.
dates & cause of death via wikipedia.org

A response to 1001 Bible Contradictions.

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